Thursday, March 21, 2013

Illustration Inspiration: Frog and Toad!

This begins the first in a series of weekly posts about inspiring illustrators and their work. 

For anyone who is a child of the 1980's, you're sure to remember this popular classic about two amphibians. 

The award winning series about Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel helped me transition from picture to chapter books. Simple stories about two friends with folksy illustrations are what I remembered for years, and why I purchased the books for my own children to enjoy.

Lobel's use of shadows  for dramatic effect and selective use of color helped create dream-like scenes even on the edges of a page. 

Though different than my own style, I learned from Lobel about the power of illustration to transport a reader to another world where their imagination could continue the story long after the bookends closed.

What inspires you?


  1. I definitely remember those guys! Haven't thought of that series in years.

  2. One of my absolute favorites! Thanks for visiting James.



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